Menu bar

Menu bar in Email has two views:

  • Inbox view - appears when you are navigating the list of emails or creating a new email

  • Folders view - appears when you are in the folder tree

Figure. Menu bar in Mail.

Inbox view

  • Reply. Opens a reply message dialog
  • Reply to all. Opens a reply message dialog (use it if you want to reply to all recipient at once)
  • Forward. Opens a forward message dialog
  • Move to blacklist. Move a sender to blacklist (blacklisted accounts are stored in the Spam folder)
  • Print. Opens printing settings (can be used to save the email in pdf)
  • More. Opens a list with various actions with folders
  • Delete. Deletes the item

Folders view

  • Add folder. See How to create a new folder
  • Add to favorites. Adds folder to favorites (click to open the list of favorite items)
  • More. Opens a list with various actions with folders